Weekly post 2

This week I painted the 2nd and 3rd coat of white for the base color and I started drawing in my mountains and finding the color to use for them. I have decided to make them a greyish-blue tone and I'm going to add pine trees and birch trees for a pop of color.

One problem I encountered this week is the white wouldn't cover up certain parts of the old painting. There were certain colors like red and dark blue that still showed through the first and second layers of white.

What I did was I tried to make the paint thicker in the spots that needed more coverage and did a very thin layer in other places so that the color didn't look uneven. After painting the third layer I just took my brush and made the texter go the same way throughout the canvas.

What I plan to do next is deciding what colors I am going to use for the trees and start experimenting with how to paint them on in order for it to look realistic. I also have to figure out how the use the impressionist style without making the colors look muddy and mixing them all together, to where they still stand out.


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